Parent Council

The Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act 2006 requires the Education Authority to support the establishment of a Parent Council for every primary, secondary and special school.

The Act aims to help all parents to be:

At Moorfoot, we call our Parent Council / Parent Teacher Association, the Parent Teacher Group (PTG) and we meet around six times a year for official PTG meetings to which all parents are encouraged to attend.

The PTG aims to:

The agenda for meetings varies depending on the time of year but will include subjects such as school improvement, planning for upcoming events, lessons learnt from past events, allocating funding and other subjects that parents or carers have raised.

Sometimes we invite speakers and often there is some home baking to nibble as we go. Attending meetings is also a good way of getting to know other parents and carers.

The meetings are usually held at the school on different days of the week and at different times to allow as many parents as possible the chance to attend.

Fund Raising is mainly used to subsidise outings, class educational trips, residential camps and outdoor activities. The PTG also contribute to the school and nursery Christmas parties and buy P1 Homework folders every year and have, on occasion, helped with major resource purchases e.g. purchasing a Smartboard or sound and light equipment.

The PTG has three office bearers (Chair Person, Treasurer and Secretary) to help it run smoothly.

Please let us know if you have any queries, would like anything raised at a meeting, if you have any questions about the meetings or if you would be able to help out at events.