Pupil Voice
At Moorfoot we are all bursting with amazing ideas to help make our school even better. We have 6 pupil groups this year, each with a different focus. We meet regularly with our allocated adult and help organise events, make displays and think of ideas and activities that help contribute to the life of our school.
Learning Patrol
The Learning Patrol have been focusing on observing and discussing teaching and learning within each class. This group have been asking pupils about their learning experience. Teachers have recently been observing each other (peer observations) and now the Learning Patrol are going to make a booklet/leaflet about what effective teaching looks like at Moorfoot.
The Literacy group are responsible for planning literacy events throughout the school e.g. World Book Day, author visits, book swaps and organising fun and engaging literacy activities for the children.
The Equalities group spread knowledge and awareness of rights across the school. They champion equality, diversity and inclusion throughout the school.
The Digital Leaders have designed a charter for the classes and are responsible for setting up the technology within the school e.g. at assemblies and helping at school shows. Very excitingly, this group have been supporting staff and even leading ICT based learning to each class.
Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSO’s)
The JRSOs help raise road safety awareness and promote road safety issues to everyone in the school. Recently the JRSOs have been reading the ‘Go Safe with Ziggy’ books to Class 1 and the nursery children. They are responsible for maintaining a notice board and making sure the road safety information is up to day, talking in an assembly or in class on road safety themes, arranging competitions and awarding certificates.
Pupil Council
The Pupil Council act as a voice on behalf of each class. They conduct surveys and ask classmates what they think about different issues. These children listen to the children’s thoughts and their main aim is to make Moorfoot Primary better for everyone.