Vision, Values and Aims

At Moorfoot, we aim to build a ‘growth mindset’ in our pupils where they believe that their brain, abilities and talent will improve through hard work.  This allows them to develop a drive for growth and a resilience which enables them to achieve great things.

Moorfoot pupils are at the heart of learning.  They are given the opportunity to have their voices heard, make decisions, influence planning and lead learning.  Staff aim to engage with pupils to find out what their interests are and help them develop these interests.  Learning at Moorfoot has no limits.

We aim to develop a rich curriculum with experiences which inspire and challenge our pupils.  The experiences will enable our pupils to become aware of the world around them.  They will have the opportunity to engage with themes of global citizenship, sustainable development and outdoor learning.  Through visits, visitors and learning experiences our school pupils can make relevant contextual links to help them develop the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes they need to face the challenges of the 21st century and contribute to a sustainable future.

At Moorfoot, we aim to develop positive relationships across our whole school community.  Everyone will be made to feel welcome and valued.  Opportunities will be provided to enable relationships to thrive. We believe in developing friendship and partnership.

We aim to have children enjoying learning. We want them to feel confident, happy and able to reach their full potential. We will do what we can to make this happen.